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Brushed Stainless Bracket (DOUBLE LINK)

CLASSICDOUBLE Double link bracket with barres link scheme
CLASSICDOUBLEDouble link bracket with barreslink scheme

Brushed Stainless Bracket (DOUBLE LINK)



Brushed Stainless Steel bracket for double Wooden Barre.

To enable the linking of our double Barres rails giving a seamless continuous effect.
Secured Via two screws underneath allowing for each Barre length to butt up & be fixed in place.

Brackets finished in 304 stainless steel

Still have a question check out our FAQ here.

Barre Brochure (Download rar) .zip DOWNLOAD
Maintenance & Care Sheet .pdf DOWNLOAD
Ash Wood Ballet Barre Dimension Guide .pdf DOWNLOAD
Classic Double Wall Bracket (LINK) .pdf DOWNLOAD

What About These?

2.0 metre Ash Wood Wall Barre Length

2.0 metre Ash Wood Wall Barre Length

Ash Wood Wall Mounted Ballet Barres (DOUBLE Extension Kit)

Ash Wood Wall Mounted Ballet Barres (DOUBLE Extension Kit)

I just wanted to let you know that my barres arrived safely in Spain just over a week ago and I ran my new class on Saturday 3rd September for the first time. I now have 4 Barre classes running 3 of which are full and the 4th filling fast. Many thanks for your great service. Everyone is very impressed with the quality of the barres and enjoying using them. If this keeps up I may have to order a couple more ! Regards Andrea. (SPAIN)
Andrea (SPAIN)
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